
Fill and Sign

Create a signature on the fly with a few extra steps and use it to sign your PDF!

  1. Open PDF Extra, tap Fill & Sign home fill
  2. Choose your file and then Quick Sign ic menu quick sign
  3. Add a signature or choose an already existing to place in your PDF
You may optionally also add the current Date ic menu date to your file using the option in the menu.

A short video guide on the feature is also available below:

PDF Extra supports signing files with CA and self-signed certificates. To sign your file it is required that your certificate is already installed on the device. This is done from Android Settings.

  1. Open PDF Extra, tap Fill & Sign home fill
  2. Tap the Sign ic menu sign option and then Select Certificate
  3. Choose your certificate from the next page

Show details allows you to access the signature options such as digest algorithm, signer, location and timestamp server as well as lock the file from further editing.

The Profiles ic menu profiles option keeps record of digital signatures you've used in the app.

Timestamps protect the integrity of your file by way of verification with an independent, trusted authority.

  1. Open PDF Extra, tap Fill & Sign home fill
  2. Tap the Timestamp ic menu timestamp option
  3. Type your Timestamp Server URL

Show details allows you to access the signature options such as digest algorithm and verification info as well as lock the file from further editing.

The Profiles ic menu profiles option keeps record of timestamps you've used in the app.

Certification over digitally signing or using a timestamp allows for more granular control over which features of the PDF remain unlocked. To Certify within PDF Extra:

  1. Open PDF Extra, tap Fill & Sign home fill
  2. Tap the Certify ic menu certify option
  3. Choose your certificate from the next page

Show details allows you to access the signature options such as digest algorithm, Signer, Location and Timestamp Server as well as lock the file from further editing.

The Profiles ic menu profiles option keeps record of certificates you've used in the app.

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