Other features

In addition to all of the above, the “Edit” bar also contains several useful features for easier PDF navigation and sharing. Here is what each of them does.

MobiPDF: hand icon Hand: enable this option and hold the left mouse button for a smoother PDF viewing experience.

MobiPDF: select icon Select: select any text within the document. This can be useful when you want to highlight or underline important passages.

MobiPDF: snapshot icon Snapshot: copy any part of the PDF file to the clipboard by dragging a box around it.

MobiPDF: share icon Share: instantly send your work as an email attachment or a shareable link.

MobiPDF: insert pages icon Insert Pages: insert new blank pages, import pages from other PDFs, or import a scanned or a clipboard image. You can access the same functionality in the “Organize Pages” tab.

MobiPDF: rotate page icon Rotate: rotate individual pages clockwise and counterclockwise. You can access the same functionality from the Organize Pages tab.

MobiPDF: extract pages icon Extract Pages: copy select pages to a brand new PDF, with the option of deleting the originals upon extraction. You can access the same functionality from the “Organize Pages” tab.

MobiPDF: combine files icon Combine Files: merge PDFs and images into one cohesive and searchable PDF.

MobiPDF: bookmark pages icon Bookmark: quickly navigate to the pages you’re most interested in. Choose “On Current Level” to use regular PDF bookmarks, or add a subset of bookmarks by clicking “On a Sublevel”.

MobiPDF: compress PDF icon Compress: shrink PDF files without compromising on quality. You can compress both texts and images.

MobiPDF: attach file icon Attach File: add an external file (including another PDF) to your file – an excellent option when you need to add supporting documentation to a long-winded main document.